
Presented by Milton Coykendall (Providence, RI, USA)

Rating: PG-13
Genre: Theater
Premiere?: World Premiere

This will be a rehearsed reading of a 40 minute play that dramatizes a family in 1937 in the Soviet Union, coping with Stalin's terror.

Show Creator(s): Milton Coykendall

Times (EDT):
Available On-Demand April 8th through April 10th!

Streaming Type: On-Demand

Platform: YouTube


In lieu of ticket admissions, donations of any amount can be made for Ukrainian humanitarian aid at the following places: (please copy and paste): https://www.icrc.org/en/donate/ukraine and https://help.rescue.org/donate/ukraine-acq?ms=gs_ppc_fy22_ukraine_mmus_feb&initialms=gs_ppc_fy22_ukraine_mmus_feb&gclid=CjwKCAjwi6WSBhA-EiwA6Niok3ehlEL3ObH1DPj56eO_IGQC6wQNd-mCduZelA56efriiToBZ8buuhoCV18QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Link to Buy Tickets, or Direct Link to Show:

Fringes performed at:

Providence Fringe, Rochester, and Pittsburgh last year.

